Whats Firestorm event? Fire balls fall down on the ground, if you get touched you lose. The last standing man win this event.
Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 19:00 CET (This event can be launched at any time by Game Masters)
Min players: 5
Max players: 30
Min level: 100
To join the event you must have to be in protection zone
!fire join - to join the event. (You wont be able to move and logout)
!fire leave - to leave the event.
Power Ups:
Invincibility Bonus - If you walk on it, you will be invincible during 5 seconds.
Speed Bonus - If you walk on it, you will receive 1000 speed during 5 seconds.
Rewards: (1 random)
Upgrade crystal
Bronze ViP medal
Items box
Mounts box
Addons box
Whats Zombie event? Zombie monsters spawn every 2 seconds on the arena, if you get touched you lose. The last standing man win this event.
Every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday at 19:00 CET (This event can be launched at any time by Game Masters)
Min players: 5
Max players: 30
Min level: 100
To join the event you must have to be in protection zone
!zombie join - to join the event. (You wont be able to move and logout)
!zombie leave - to leave the event.
Power Ups:
Invincibility Bonus - If you walk on it, you will be invincible during 5 seconds.
Speed Bonus - If you walk on it, you will receive 1000 speed during 5 seconds.
Rewards: (1 random)
Upgrade crystal
Bronze ViP medal
Items box
Mounts box
Addons box
Whats Team Battle event? 2 teams are fighting on a closed arena. When you die you don't lose anything. The team that earned 30 frags at first, or has got the most frags, wins this event!
Every Monday, Wednesday, Sunday and Friday at 20:00 CET (This event can be launched at any time by Game Masters)
Min players: 20
Max players: 100
Min level: 100
Frags Limit: 30
Time Limit: 15 minutes
To join the event you must have to be in protection zone
!tb join - to join the event. (You wont be able to move and logout)
!tb leave - to leave the event.
Rewards: (1 random)
Upgrade crystal
Bronze ViP medal
Items box
Mounts box
Addons box
20 gold tokens
Metin Sontes are spawning everyday at 19:00 CET near NPC Gorn in Thais.
You can earn from them a load of experience and items (Gold Tokens, Crystal Coins, Upgrading Crystals, Bronze ViP Medal).